Revenue Operations Blog | DeStor RevOps

Introducing DeStor RevOps: A Journey Pulled by Our Customers

Written by Jennifer King | Oct 6, 2024

If there’s one piece of advice that stands out among the dozens that have been ringing in my mind so far this year, it’s that the best business to start is one your customers have pulled you into. Though I can’t be entirely sure where I first heard it, I believe that credit goes to entrepreneur Derek Sivers and the truth behind that statement has never rang truer for me than today, as we announce the official launch of DeStor RevOps.

When we first started DeStor, earlier this year, we had a specific mission: to simplify and accelerate the adoption of Web3 technologies for enterprise buyers while ensuring success for Web3 service providers. The thing is though - we kept ending up on little side quests along the way.  

As we dug deeper into our client relationships, a clear and unmistakable trend began to emerge: Our customers and partners were asking for more. Not just more in terms of empowering data owners, decentralized storage providers, and Web3 startups to unlock the full potential of decentralized storage, which is what we originally set out to do. “More” in terms of how they could optimize their entire revenue lifecycle. They wanted strategies that would streamline their operations, align their teams, and ultimately help them grow faster and more efficiently.  

“Moreover, we continually found ourselves inspired by the many visionary builders we were working with, and we helped with RevOps so that they could stay focused on shipping great work.”

At first, we didn’t fully latch onto the potential of what we were hearing. Sure, we provided advice on go-to-market strategy and revenue operations (RevOps) here and there, but it was more in service of everyone’s success in the main mission. But the requests kept coming, and we found ourselves doing more RevOps consulting, creating strategies, and implementing processes for clients who needed help aligning their sales, marketing, and customer success teams. Before we knew it, we were fully immersed in the world of RevOps, without ever having planned for it. Our customers had pulled us into this space.

The Awesome Power of The Side Quest

There’s something incredibly humbling and exciting about being drawn into a business by your customers’ needs. It’s a reminder that no matter how well-laid your initial plans are, the real opportunities come when you listen. The best companies, in my view, are built not just on a founder’s vision, but on the evolving needs of their customers. That’s exactly how DeStor RevOps came to be.

We started DeStor with a focus on decentralized technology, but we soon realized that what Web3 startups and high-growth SaaS companies needed wasn’t just the latest tech. They needed ways to operationalize their growth and get back to building. They were asking, How do we scale efficiently? How do we align our teams? How do we ensure our growth opportunities aren’t just reactive but proactive?  

DeStor RevOps was born out of those questions. While it’s only now that we’re officially launching it as a core service, the truth is we’ve been doing this work for months, behind the scenes, helping our clients build the revenue engines they need to succeed.

So, What is DeStor RevOps?

In simple terms, DeStor RevOps helps companies optimize their entire revenue lifecycle. We offer a range of tailored services designed to meet the unique needs of Web3 startups, SaaS companies, and other high-growth businesses. The goal? To help them streamline processes, align teams, and scale with confidence. Here’s a quick overview of what we do:

Advanced RevOps Engineering

So far, we’ve worked with a ton of early-stage founders, product, and dev teams who often, frankly, prefer to focus on their builds and outsource RevOps. Similarly, many orgs struggle with aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams. DeStor’s advanced RevOps frameworks are designed to build, optimize, and scale these operations, ensuring sustained growth and operational efficiency.

Go To Market Strategy

Launching a product is hard, especially in the fast-evolving SaaS and Web3 spaces. We’ve been helping founders and teams craft clear messaging, value propositions, and differentiation strategies to ensure their products stand out in the market. We guide companies through every step of the process, from strategic positioning to execution.

White-Labeled Growth Flywheels

Marketing technology (Martech) tools are everywhere, but many businesses struggle to implement and optimize them effectively. Our white-labeled growth flywheels are built on proven systems that drive customer acquisition, retention, and lifetime value. We align these tools with each company’s strategic goals, helping them accelerate growth while maintaining the flexibility to adapt.  Strategy comes first though, always.

Fractional RevOps Leadership

Not every business is ready for a full-time RevOps team, and that’s okay. DeStor offers fractional RevOps leadership, providing expert guidance and execution without the overhead of a full-time hire. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their operations strategically and cost-effectively.

RevOps Process Optimization

Inefficiencies in revenue processes can be a major growth inhibitor. We use data-driven optimization techniques to streamline every phase of the revenue cycle, ensuring maximum productivity and eliminating bottlenecks.

Why We're Excited About This Launch?

I couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve done with DeStor RevOps so far, and our team is incredibly excited to officially launch this service. It’s been a journey—one that we hadn’t initially planned for but were fortunate to be pulled into. The work we’ve done with our early RevOps clients has been some of the most fulfilling, and it’s clear that the need for tailored RevOps solutions is growing rapidly.

At its core, DeStor RevOps is about empowering businesses to succeed. Whether you’re a Web3 startup looking to disrupt the market or a SaaS company aiming to scale, we’re here to provide the strategic guidance and operational support you need.

While a lot of RevOps work is decidedly unsexy, I can tell you that we earnestly love it.  We love it because it helps our clients stay focused on shipping rock star level work in their products.  We’ve learned so much from working with our clients in this space, and we can’t wait to bring these insights to more businesses as we move forward.

What's Next?

As we officially launch DeStor RevOps, our team is more motivated than ever to help businesses unlock their full potential. We’ve built the processes, frameworks, and strategies that companies need to optimize their revenue operations and achieve sustainable growth—and we’re ready to share them with the world.

If you’re interested in learning more about how DeStor RevOps can help your business, I’d love to connect. I hope you’ll check out the rest of this site to explore our offerings, or book a call with our team to discuss how we can work together.

Here’s to the next chapter of DeStor—and to the many projects and  businesses that will grow with us!